
Perspectivism is a term from Nietzsche. It's the theory that everybody has their own point of view.

It is often taken to mean that there is no objective truth, but it does not assume that all points of view are equally valid (as subjectivism might).

Blind men and elephant from Wikipedia

Take the story of the three blind men and the elephant, for example. Each can feel a part - a trunk, a tusk, a tail, but none can experience the whole. It's a bit like that, maybe.

"In some versions, they stop talking, start listening and collaborate to "see" the full elephant. When a sighted man walks by and sees the entire elephant all at once, they also learn they are blind. While one's subjective experience is true, it may not be the totality of truth. If the sighted man was deaf, he would not hear the elephant bellow." Wikipedia

Monads, by an old Uni pal, Katharine

Leibniz is a perspectivist. His monads each contain within themselves a total picture of the world from their unique point of view.

This is also going to connect to D&G's rhizome